Sustainable Packaging Update

Date Posted:20 February 2024 

In recent years, there has been a growing global concern about the environmental impact of packaging materials. It has meant there has been a shift of responsibility for managing packaging waste from consumers to manufacturers and distributors. Changes in regulations related to sustainability and environmental impact requires The Sandalwood Shop to adopt more eco-friendly packaging materials and practices. This includes reducing plastic usage as a whole and reducing the use of virgin plastics, using recyclable materials, compostable, or biodegradable materials, and providing information about disposal and recycling on product packaging.

Here is a breakdown of what we have been focusing on:

Labelling and Recycling Guidelines: Adapting to evolving recycling standards necessitates us as a manufacturer to incorporate precise and easily understandable recycling details on our packaging. This involves incorporating standardised recycling symbols, providing guidance on proper packaging disposal or recycling procedures, and indicating the recyclability of specific packaging materials. You may have already observed such symbols on items like your milk bottle.

Plastic Reduction Initiatives: There is a large focus on reducing plastic waste. This has resulted in minimising the use of our single-use plastics in some products. To meet sustainability goals and recycling regulations, we have had to redesign some of our packaging. For example, we converted our mini hotel amenities to a refill system. Accommodation businesses now offer a 500ml pump product in their rooms that are refilled substantially reducing plastic waste and saving money for their business as product is not wasted either.

Reducing the use of virgin materials: We are making a shift in our 100g and 200g jars to exclusively utilise 100% post-consumer waste plastic, eliminating the need for new plastic entirely. These jars can be conveniently placed in your curb side recycling bin. The change will also occur to our pump products over a period of time. By prioritising the utilisation of post-consumer waste materials, we aim to play a pivotal role in the circular economy, promoting the reuse of resources and minimising the overall ecological footprint associated with our products.

Removing Problematic packaging: Did you know that coloured or black plastic is unlikely to be recycled as it is considered problematic or not easy to recycle so more often that not, ends up in landfill even after you have placed it in recycling. So, we have made the conscious decision to where possible remove or exchange for a better alternative. Jars on lids have been swapped out for white or clear alternatives. You may have also noticed our deodorant and antiperspirant products are no longer in black plastic but now are white which means its 100% recyclable reducing the impact on land fill. However, for some of our packaging there are no suitable alternatives as there has not been innovative solutions made.

Plastic free packaging: Our gift set boxes not only exclude plastic but are crafted from 40% post-consumer waste, resulting in an 8% reduction in our plastic usage last year alone. Furthermore, we have released our highly sought-after skin damage control product in a 100g glass jar with an aluminium lid, taking another step towards minimising plastic packaging.

Advancing Sustainable Packaging Practices: Our commitment to environmental responsibility extends to the exploration of innovative solutions in the realm of packaging. In our pursuit of eco-friendly alternatives, we are actively researching and developing options centred around compostable and biodegradable materials to replace traditional plastic packaging.

Compostable materials hold the promise of breaking down into organic matter, enriching the soil and contributing to a circular economy. These materials undergo a natural decomposition process, minimising the environmental impact associated with persistent plastic waste. By opting for compostable packaging, we aim to align our practices with the principles of a more regenerative and sustainable approach to product packaging. If you have received an online order, you would have noticed we no longer utilise plastic bubble wrap. All our protective wrap is now paper.

Biodegradable packaging, another facet of our exploration, involves materials that can naturally decompose through microbial action, further reducing their ecological footprint. This approach not only addresses the issue of plastic waste but also emphasises our commitment to fostering a cleaner and healthier environment.

Supply Chain Sustainability: In addition to our focus on eco-friendly packaging, we are actively engaging in a comprehensive evaluation of our supply chains and sourcing practices. This entails a meticulous examination to guarantee that the materials employed in our packaging not only comply with recycling regulations but also align with the sustainability objectives we have pledged to uphold.

Furthermore, this endeavour involves staying abreast of evolving recycling standards and sustainable innovations within the industry. By staying proactive and adaptable, we aspire to continuously refine our supply chain practices, ensuring that the materials used in our packaging align not only with regulatory requirements but also with our steadfast commitment to environmental responsibility. Through these supply chain considerations, we strive to contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future.

Compliance and Reporting to APCO: We are required to comply with reporting requirements related to our packaging materials, recycling efforts, and environmental impact. APCO, or the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation, is an industry-led, not-for-profit organisation in Australia dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of packaging. Its primary mission is to promote sustainable packaging practices and minimise the environmental footprint of packaging materials and waste in Australia. APCO works collaboratively with businesses, government agencies, and other stakeholders to achieve its objectives.

Dedication to a better future: While our commitment to a more sustainable future is unwavering, we acknowledge that there is still considerable work ahead to align our practices with the highest environmental standards and prioritise the well-being of both our planet and you, our valued customer. Our journey towards sustainability is an ongoing process, characterised by continuous improvement and a proactive stance on addressing environmental challenges. We recognise the collective responsibility we bear in safeguarding the environment and ensuring that our business practices reflect a genuine commitment. Together, we can contribute to a future where sustainability and responsible business practices are not just goals but integral aspects of our identity and purpose.

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