Our Plastic Lids are Now Recyclable!

Date Posted:10 March 2023 


Black plastic is considered a problematic plastic material therefore does not get recycled. To prevent this from occurring we decided to address this issue by finding a better alternative that can be recycled at kerbside pickup to increase the likelihood of our packaging being recycled and reused.

Our lids and jars are now made with 100% post-consumer waste rPET – contains no virgin plastic and is recyclable. This in turns closes the loop on the use of virgin plastic being used.


Industry to deliver 4 National Packaging Targets by 2025, of which 2 concern recycling:

70% of plastic packaging being recycled or composted

50% of average recycled content included in packaging (20% for plastic packaging).

As a business we have exceeded both of these targets!

We  have also become members of APCO  https://apco.org.au/ and as par of our strategy we are looking at the following:

  1. Use recycled materials: We will include the highest possible percent of recycled material available to us, whilst maintaining product integrity and shelf life.
  2. Design to reduce product waste: By evaluating each product, we have identified areas that can be improved to allow the consumer complete use of the contents of the product, i.e. a bottle allows the consumer to completely empty a product, a tube leaves residue.
  3. Design for recovery (recyclable/compostable): We will improve packaging through a reduction in un-recyclable plastic and or increasing re-usable packaging components aiming to achieve the NPTs of having 100% recyclable or reusable material by 2025.

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